Friday, July 10, 2009

Honesty Isn't Always Easy

The Honest Scrap award is given by other bloggers who consider a blog’s content or design to be brilliant. The awardees must then post ten honest things about
themselves and pass the award on to other bloggers who fit the bill – in other words, whose blog is brilliant.”

Okay, so I know that getting this award from a friend is nothing more than a poorly disguised attempt to get me to post here again *grin*, but since I have been meaning to anyway, I figure - what the heck - might as well take the opportunity. I don't usually do things like this, but I have been realizing lately that the person that I know I am may not be the person that other people see me as (I am planning a rather lengthy post on the subject soon), so posting ten honest things about myself is probably a good way to start helping people understand the real me: the way my mind works, why I do and say the things I do, and that the things going through my head probably aren't that different from the things going through anyone else's head. So, anyway... here goes...

  • I am in the process of working on a truly epic work of fiction that I think is absolutely the best writing I have ever done, but I don't think anyone else will ever read it. I made the mistake of posting a short draft version of it online several months ago, and the ensuing criticism and lack of interest from everyone I told about it was such a blow to my self-esteem that I would have given up on the whole thing right there if the story hadn't been consuming my every creative thought at the time. I know that I probably took the whole thing too seriously, but I have a really hard time accepting criticism or lack of interest in my accomplishments from people because I don't think I am as good at anything as others seem to think I am, and that belief needs very little outside reinforcement.

  • The hardest thing about hanging out with my friends is that I know I will never be as close to any of them as they are to each other.

  • Realizing that I was an atheist has made me a much happier person...

  • But on the downside, I am absolutely terrified of my dad finding out. We had a major falling-out several years ago when I moved in with my husband before we got married, and it took a long time for our relationship to recover. My hope would be that he'd accept me and that it wouldn't change anything, but I don't want to risk what I just got back on that hope.

  • Sometimes I get disappointed and frustrated with myself because I know I could be doing and accomplishing so much more with my life, but I enjoy just taking it easy. I have so many nebulous plans for the future, but I feel like I lack the ambition to actually accomplish anything.

  • Through a number of situations and events I don't know if I could have prevented, I have managed to drive away every girl I was every really close friends with. I still have friends who are girls, but I don't really feel close enough to confide in them any more. Sometimes I miss that.

  • I am a horrible procrastinator. Always have been. For some reason, no one ever believes me when I tell them that.

  • My greatest fear at the moment is that I will never feel grown-up and mature enough to have children.

  • No single activity gives me more joy than singing, but I am usually too self-conscious to do it when anyone else is around. I love games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero because they give me an excuse to sing in front of other people without feeling the least bit self-conscious.

  • And, last but not least... I write this blog because it gives me a way of expressing myself that I find hard to do in person. I have so many thoughts and feelings and opinions about things, but I have a really hard time expressing myself verbally, so I write it instead. That is why I want everyone to read what I write... because I am writing the things that I can't say out loud, because my brain just doesn't work fast enough to have coherent conversations about stuff that really interests me. I will be going more in-depth on this in a future post.
So there you have it. Ten honest things about me. Some good, some bad, some that may be hard for others to hear, but all things that I feel are worth people knowing about me. I have no one to tag in order to pass on this award, so instead, I will just invite anyone who doesn't have a blog to stop and consider: What ten things would you tell others about yourself if you wanted them to understand you better?


Elly said...

Oh please... I awarded the award to you because I think your blog is brilliant (if somewhat negelected ;) )

I offered criticism on your story because I thought you wanted it--it has a lot of merit and just needed some fine-tuning that comes with practice and outside input, and I would love to read the full length version.

Also, I hope that we can all get a lot closer when we are all able to spend more time together--if you want to, that is =)

Sadi said...

I second Elly. She and I have had numerous conversations about missing you as a close friend - between all of our busy lives and the physical distance we've definitely drifted, but I absolutely hope to rectify that now that you guys are going to be so close!!

As to your story, I'd also love to read the finished version. If you want editing or constructive criticism I'm glad to offer that, too - even the best, most accomplished writers improve with feedback. And if you just want me to read and enjoy, that's fine, too. ;)

Know that with Elly and I at least, you didn't "drive" us away. Our problem is one of drift, and will be easily and happily rectified if you want it to be! :D

Branden Conley said...

Hi. I read this post too.

Re: The bullet about writing. I'm going to jump on the bandwagon here and say that NOTHING EVER in the history of the world was EVER good on the first draft.

Re: The last bullet. I don't read blogs. I don't have that much free time in front of a computer, and everyone I know is very good at expressing themselves through writing ("wordy"). I will happily read any individual post that anyone brings specifically to my attention, but I don't "read" anyone's blog. If you ever want me to read something, just let me know.

*big hug*