Sunday, March 9, 2008

Humanist Symposium #16

The latest Humanist Symposium is up at Glittering Muse! I encourage you to check it out. I found the introductory essay especially moving and insightful. My favorite article in this Symposium is the article on abortion. Jeffrey Stingerstein of Disillusioned Words has an amazing and provocative piece on the grey areas surrounding the pro-choice, pro-life debate, putting into words my exact thoughts on the issue that the debate on abortion is not as simple as the politicians and the activists on both sides make it seem.

I also really enjoyed the two articles on free will, specifically because I have been thinking a lot about human intelligence and what it means for us as compared to other animals now that I no longer believe in the concept of a "soul" that makes human beings unique. I hope to post my own thoughts on this idea soon.

The next Symposium will be up at Mind on Fire on March 30th. Hope to see you there!

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