After not having posted on this blog for a very long time, it is with a heavy heart that I return to posting with news that saddens me greatly. One of my favorite blogs, Possummomma, has gone dark after some very serious harassment of her and her family following what I can only summarize as a malicious case of mistaken identity. Since I am not privy to specific details, being only a reader of her blog, I will not endeavor to explain much more, but details about the incident can be found at The Calladus Blog, and at Berlzebub's Inferno.
So why is this so important to me, you may ask? Well, to put it simply, I was not always an atheist. I was raised religious, and only came to atheism in my 20s while at college. Now, I have a wonderful husband who is also an atheist, and I know that some day we will want to have children and raise a family. But when I look back at my personal experiences of childhood, and when I look to the adult role-models in my life that I would reach out for advice about raising children when the time comes, I find myself surrounded by religion. It is a hard thing to escape. Being an atheist, how do I explain death to my children when I was raised to believe in Heaven? How do I raise them to be moral and kind and caring and generous without relying on the Ten Commandments or the stories of Jesus? The thought of trying to raise children without ever reverting back to the moral instruction I received by way of religion used to terrify me.
Possummomma's blog changed all that. Her frequent posts about raising a non-religious family, despite her religious upbringing and recent deconversion, were truly inspiring. Her stories and photos showed a family that was happy, stable, kind, and loving, children who were smart and independent and thought for themselves, and parents who, despite many personal hardships, were able to put the really important things first and get through both the good times and the bad without religion. I admired her for her courage in putting so much of her personal life online, despite the fact that she attracted the worst sort of trolls because of it. Hers was the first blog that I ever chose to comment on, and it was her blog that inspired me to start one of my own.
And now, her blog has gone silent. And it makes me angry. Angry that people can be so pessimistic and suspicious that they would take any act of kindness and charity by people towards someone they had only met online and assume that the person receiving the charity has to be duping those who would wish to support them. Angry that a person who is brave enough to show the world that you can raise an amazing family without the crutch of religion would draw the ire of so many people who think the worst about atheists without even getting to know one. And it makes me angry to see the very worst aspects of human nature lash out and cause so much pain to people who are only trying to embody the best aspects of human nature (I am speaking about both PMomma and her supporters here).
But mostly, the silencing of PMomma has just made me sad. I find the Internet to be such an amazing place because it makes it possible to connect with people that you would never get a chance to know otherwise. PMomma is an amazing person, and she has become one of my role-models. I have so much to thank her for, and I am sorry that I never really got a chance to tell her so myself. Though this blog post has been a chance for me to vent my feelings on an occurrence that has greatly affected me, I am also using it as a call for personal action. I started this blog because of Possummomma, because I was so inspired by her frank, unapolagetic sharing of a family life without religion. She is one of the few that I have found that are willing to put their life up for scrutiny and say "I'm really just like you. I may be part of a despised minority, but I am your next door neighbor, your friend, your family member." If more people, more atheists were willing to put their lives as ordinary people on display, then maybe the people who doubt the existence of happy, ordinary, moral atheists would not be able to attack so easily.
So, this is my call to action. I am going to stand up here and now and say this: I am an average, ordinary person. I am happy with my life, I have a wonderful marriage, and I have the same plans and concerns about the future as any other ordinary person. I am also an atheist. I am the girl next door. I am your sister, I am your daughter, I am your friend. And I am an atheist. Doubt me if you must, but that does not change the fact that I know who I am, and that, from now on, I am going to own it, be proud of it, and tell everyone that I know about it too.
That's a beautiful post. I am a Christian who used to read GDNNOP. You can laugh at me but I can't post on Berlzebub's or Callususes because my hair raises but I think your blog is the right pace for me to make this comment and you can share it if you want to share it or not.
I don't get the drama. If Pennmommy's blog were hatefilled then I would support GDNNOP but it wasn't at all hatefilled. Very balanced all & all. She defended the Gosselins TOO. I have my own reason for knowing that Pennmommy is real and she went to school with my husband. I know Pennmommy and I believe she set up her relative Possummomma because she did the same thing in 2005 to a different relative over a church rumor. Pennmommy likes attention. Possummomma I don't know no where then the blogs at GDNNOP, Berl, Calladuses, and Pharyngula. Guinevere and Fiona worked this out to end Pennmommy because she made them look bad. Possummomma was caught up in it by association. It's gone but I believed Possummomma was innocent when she got directed by someone at GDNNOP to read what was going on and her first words on comment weren't like "I didn't do this." What she said first was "Can someon please tell me what is going on? Why are you linking to my children's pictures?" those aren't guilty words they are words of a worried parent who is lost. I tried to stop them from hunting possummmomma but they say that now even if she's innocent they are doing a service by taking a scammer off the internet. This is bad, bad, bad, bad.
Addressing your earlier post: I'm not sure if I was there for this Sunday night in question, but if I was, I'm sorry about hurting you. I can't speak for everyone of course, but all the real exposure I've had to Atheism has been very negative, and pretty much non-existent since high school. At that time, pretty much the only exposure I got at all was "bible-thumping hate-mongering attention whores masquerading as Christians" or "Earth-thumping hate-mongering attention whores masquerading as Atheists." It's for this reason that my own religious/spiritual life is so amorphous and non-specific. I guess you could call me Atheist because I don't believe in God, but I do sorta believe in the collective subconscious, reincarnation, and some other funky things.
So, as the years have passed I've met a lot more groovy and laid-back religious individuals, but not really any atheists to have changed my first impression. Thanks for showing me what Atheism actually is, b/c as of a few minutes ago I had a clear image in my head of being screamed at and called an idiot for not fully decrying the existence of a God or reasons for being spiritual.
Anyway, addressing THIS post--I hope your blogger comes back when things calm down. It seems to make sense that she would.
I've tried posting at other blogs but the pro-GDNNOP side won't post my entry. I found you on a search from Calladus blog. My name is Lolo from GDNNOP commenting section. Those cunts treated your friend like she robbed them blind. I want to start talking about evidence I see that makes the GDNNOP claim unbelievable. Claims being made are bold.
Pennmommy admitted she was fake.
They claim this without backing it up.
I have seen no evidence to support the theory that PM is anyone other than who she says she is. Kon would love us to believe this was a hoax, as would GDNNOP.
Same. I think the same. GDNNOP hated pennmommy! She didn't let them get the last word. Even from her start in blogging there were people pushing her to give private details about the Gosselin family that she wouldn't give for decency principles. The GDNNOP folk should have understood that since its their "mission" to do that same thing but no. I don't like pennmommy for my own reasons. I have no feelings about possummomma except that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
They got nothign on her (possummomma). If you believe GDNNOP she has multiple identities that have all been proven legitimite. Why the fuck should we believe them anymore? I used to be on their side and got kick out of the clique for showing them that the claims about possummomma at least were easy to explain or disprove.
Misty said...
I also feel that their is not enough "evidence" on GDDNOP to convince me. Most of the time that I spent reading that stuff, I was thinking "and... and.... and..." - so there is another ip address she was posting from - that person seems convincingly to me to be a completely different person!!!
Same. And...and...and...and what the fuck? What does it for me is all the wrong "facts" they've given out. Pennmommy didn't ask them for anything but prayer which I have to ask why the Christians say she scammed them. Prayers aren't cash so wtf is wrong with a prayer investment? I read possummomma's blog. No way is she pennmommy. A sisters aunts brothers nephews third cousin who is a part time writing expert is not solid evidence because pennmommy and possummomma have elipse fetishes.
At best, GDDNOP proved that there is someone named "possummomma" or something that exists. Well, no one if refuting that, not even possummomma herself. Is she PennMommy? I see nothing that convinces me of that!
This is what convinced me of possummomma being innocent. She didn't write us to say I don't know pennmommy. I have her first e-mail to GDNNOP through a moderator. She asked them to help her understand what was going on.
They got pennmommy's name and phone number, called her to confirm it, then told readers that possummomma set up a Penn phone to sock puppet. No win.
Anonymous said...
I just went to GWoP and noticed that the post from PM has been removed. That suggests to me (with their connection to Julie who first vouched for PM) that PM was not who she/he claimed to be. Which is sad because she seemed liked a voice of reasonable reason.
This has been a excuse for the heresay posse. GDNNOP accused Julie of lying even after Jodi who was on the show made a video blog saying Julie was really telling the truth. Julie used pennmommy to back her up. She said she spoke to her in Pennsylvania. Julie said pennmommy was real. When the heat got hot she fucked her. Now GDNNOP treats the removed post by Julie as evidence against possummomma because Julie is miraculously believable. What a piece of shit.
I believe Pennmommy is real. Her account of her sons illness was too specific, too detailed.
Same here. GDNNOP would like us to believe that possummomma pre-predicted her own daughters appendectomy. Jason had his surgery a full ten days before P3 had hers. I've seen internet fakes but this means possummomma would have had to choose this illness of all illnesses to give her sockpuppet dying boy then have her daughter get it?
The other "fact" is people saying Jason's school would have a newspaper article about him passing away. O! The health clinic would've caught his appendicitis to. Do they read the news cause I do? The same week Jason got sick USC had two hundred students come down with a stomach bug. Did Pennmommy pre-predict that? She said Jason went to the health center and was told he probably had a stomach virus that was going around two weeks before the newspapers like the Times backed up that story with the news that a bad virus knocked out 200+ students. The ER is tragic because the time Jason got ill was the same as the time the train crash was closing ERs in Los Angeles. Did she predict the train crash? USC has over 30,000 enrolled kids. Jason was there for 8 days with the rest of this shit going on. Small fish in a big pond?
I want to thank you for writing this. When I started my blog I never anticipated that it would inspire another parent. I have been reading posts like yours for the first time since this all went to shit and I have to say that it is bringing tears to my eyes. Drop me an e-mail anytime.
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